Feeding Your Canine Pork Dog Food: Separating Fact from Fiction

Pork dog food has gotten a bad rep among pet owners around the world. This bad rep is certainly not deserved, though, since choosing a pork-based dog food is actually a safe and healthy diet for canines. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to feeding dogs pork, so we’re here to help.

Myth: Never Feed Pork to Your Dog

This myth has been circulating around the world wide pet community for years. But why? The main reason for this belief is due to the high fat content in pork. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but there aren’t many commercial dog foods that contain pork. At least not until recently.

The American Kennel Club says that the myth is around due to the “thought that pork’s high fat content will cause pancreatitis in dogs (yet pork contains a little over one-third the fat content of beef), that it contains something toxic to dogs’ livers…that pigs eat disgusting things including bugs (but it’s OK for people to eat them), and that pig meat is hard to come by…”

As you can see, some of these facts are just flat-out ridiculous. Sure, pork may be higher in fat that beef, but not so much that it increases the risk of a canine developing pancreatitis. And why is it OK for humans to eat “disgusting” pigs, but dogs can’t be subjected to it? There is no validity at all behind the myth that you should never feed your dog pork.

Truth: Incorporating Pork Into a Canine’s Diet Has Many Benefits

As it turns out, pork is a high quality form of protein that is loaded with vitamins and minerals that are essential to a canine’s diet. Incorporating pork into your dog’s diet is one of the best ways to promote muscle building, especially for puppies and young dogs. On top of that, pork is highly digestible, meaning dogs have no trouble at all digesting this animal protein.

The essential amino acids included in a portion of pork include leucine, valine, threonine, and arginine. All of these help to boost the immune system and protect the body from injury and illness. Lastly, pork is considered to be somewhat hypoallergenic. Similar to lamb, many dogs are able to digest this meat more thoroughly, and less likely to experience an allergic reaction from consuming it. Beef and chicken are common allergens in canines, so make the switch to pork dog food instead.

Things to Keep in Mind When Feeding Your Dog Pork

Many pet owners are turning to raw meat diets for their dogs. To be honest, this isn’t the greatest idea since dogs are omnivorous creatures, not carnivores. A dog should be fed a well-balanced combination of plant and animal products, rather than just meat. But if you do choose to feed your canine a raw meat diet, never choose raw pork.

Raw pork should be avoided at all costs. Be sure to thoroughly cook any pork that you are feeding your dog; raw pork has a higher potential of containing parasites, but cooking the meat eliminates this risk.

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